Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The volume of production in manufacturing has not changed the UK for November

The volume of production in manufacturing industry of Great Britain has not changed for November in monthly terms, said National Statistical Office. It is worth noting that analysts predicted an increase in rate of 0,3% during the reporting period. A month earlier, the index was also 0.0%.
On an annual basis, the volume of production in manufacturing declined for November at 5.4% in the previous value of -7,8% and forecast at -5.1%. UK industrial production index increased by 0,4% in November in monthly terms, while the forecast growth of 0,3%. Recall that in the previous month, industrial output declined by 0,1%.
On an annual basis the industrial production index for November fell to 6.0% in the previous value of -8,4% and -6,1% forecast.

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