Friday, November 6, 2009

Holiday UK producer prices continue to rise

The index of prices manufacturers (PPI Output) in the UK rose in October to 0,2% in monthly terms, reports the National Statistics Office. However analysts predicted price increase of 0,3% during the reporting period. Recall that a month before the selling prices of producers increased by 0,5%.
In annual terms, wholesale prices manufacturers increased 1.7% during the previous value of 0.4% and forecast at 1.9%.
Holiday producer prices excluding prices for food, alcohol, tobacco and fuel (PPI Output excluding food, drink, tobacco and petroleum) increased by 0,3% in October. The value of the slightly exceeded forecasts of analysts, who expected prices to increase 0.2%. A month earlier, had risen to 0,5%.
In annual terms, wholesale prices index excluding prices for food, alcohol, tobacco and fuel rose by 2,0% in October compared to 1,4% in the previous month.

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