Friday, November 13, 2009

The main event for today - a report on the GDP in the euro area

In the morning went GDP in Germany - a result consistent with expectations. Most other countries in the euro area can not get out of recession followed by Germany, so the EU's GDP could be worse than expected.

Macroeconomic data published so far this week, were pretty weak, but today will be an interesting day. Already released GDP of Germany - a result consistent with the forecast. We believe that the Eurozone GDP (published in 10:00) may disappoint market participants, since in addition to Germany, the positive impulses from nowhere to wait.
According to the monthly report on the U.S. budget deficit is $ 176.4 billion, while revenue fell to a seven-year minimum. Despite the fact that net interest expense on the debt are still low, the situation will change as soon as interest rates begin to rise.
One of the main drivers in the U.S. markets today will be the index of consumer confidence in the University of Michigan. Expected a slight improvement, which is quite feasible.
Today representatives of the Fed's Evans and Dudley (both voting members of the FOMC) will perform at various meetings on the topic of bubbles in asset prices and financial system, respectively.

Saxo Bank

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