Tuesday, November 10, 2009

ZEW index of economic sentiment in Germany reduced the second month in a row

ZEW index of economic sentiment in Germany for November totaled 51.1 points compared with 56.0 points a month earlier. The value index was worse than analysts' forecasts at the level of 55.2 points. Note that the index decreases the second consecutive month, but its current level is much higher than the historical average 26.9 points.
The index of current conditions in Germany increased during November, with minus 72,2 points to minus 65.5 points.
Index Eur-ozone ZEW economic sentiment fell for the reporting period from 56,9 points to 51,8 points. The index of current conditions in the euro area has improved in September to 5.1 points, reaching minus 70.3 points.

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