Tuesday, October 13, 2009

UBS forecasts for the U.S. dollar

The dollar, which fell this year to the main 16 countries - trade partners of the United States, in the next 3 months will strengthen against the euro, Aoussa, New Zealand dollar is not as strong as analysts expected in the previous forecast.

According to the forecast UBS, the euro to the dollar amount to 1.40, the Australian dollar to 80 cents, to New Zealand dollar 65 cents. Dollar / Swiss franc amount to 1.09 to 1.12 Canadian dollar? analysts say. According to the previous forecast of UBS, prospects for the euro / dollar was estimated as 1.35, Aoussa 75 cents, the New Zealand dollar 60 cents, the Canadian dollar exchange rate forecasts of 1.18, the Swiss franc 1,13.

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