Thursday, October 22, 2009

The current account deficit of balance of payments euro-zone 1.3 billion euros in August

In August this year the current account deficit of balance of payments euro-zone seasonally adjusted amounted to 1.3 billion euros (equivalent to a deficit of 5.0 billion euros excluding seasonal and calendar factors), said the European Central Bank. Previous value of the index revised downward - with seasonal and calendar factors balance of payments surplus amounted to 3.7 billion euros (previously reported surplus of 6.6 billion euros).
On an annual basis, taking into account factors consecutive current account deficit balance for August was 106.5 billion euros (about 1,2% of GDP), compared with a deficit of 56.1 billion euros a year earlier.
The total inflow of foreign direct and portfolio investment in the euro area without taking into account seasonal variations in composition for August 57 billion euros, compared with 18 billion euros in July.

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