Monday, October 5, 2009

ING predicts the strengthening Canadian currency to parity against the U.S. dollar

Foreign exchange analysts ING recall that on Friday this week will be published quarterly report on the business prospects of the Bank of Canada, and on October 20 executives of the Central Bank will decide on interest rates. The bank noted that recent statements by representatives of the Bank of Canada were fairly optimistic, but better than forecasts of a quarterly report may raise expectations that the mood at the meeting of the Bank of Canada, which will take place towards the end of the month will be more aggressive. Analysts say the bank, given the more favorable position of the banking sector in Canada Compared with the United States and, consequently, a lower deficit, as well as increasing projections for world economic growth, investors should sell the dollar / Canada to 1.09/1.10 - at the bank believe that the end, the couple may well test the level of parity. At the moment pair dollar / Canada is trading at around 1.0756.

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