Friday, October 9, 2009

The index of prices manufacturers of Great Britain grew more than expected in September

The index of prices manufacturers (PPI Output) in the UK rose in September to 0,5% in monthly terms, reports the National Statistics Office. However analysts have predicted that figure will grow by 0,1% during the reporting period. Recall that a month before the selling prices of producers increased by 0,2%.
In annual terms, wholesale prices manufacturers increased 0.4% during the previous value of -0.4% and forecast at -0.2%.
Holiday producer prices excluding prices for food, alcohol, tobacco and fuel (PPI Output excluding food, drink, tobacco and petroleum) increased by 0,5% in September. The value index has surpassed forecasts of analysts, who expected prices to increase 0.2% in the same way as in the previous month.
In annual terms, wholesale prices index excluding prices for food, alcohol, tobacco and fuel amounted to 1.4% in the previous value of 0.7% and forecast at 0.9%.

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