Monday, April 19, 2010

Goldman can expect a thorough inspection in Britain and Germany after the court

Goldman Sachs Group Inc. Britain faces a "reconnaissance" of regulatory bodies and candid attention from the German government after the Commission on the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) passed in the U.S. court case against the company for fraud in connection collateralized debt obligations.

Politicians who were forced to rescue its banks during the financial crisis, turning their attention to Goldman, knowing the contribution of the company in turmoil in financial markets and manipulation in order to pay. The EU also explores the role of Goldman in the creation of swaps for Greece, which could mask the deficit country.

"It looks as if people were misled," - said Gordon Brown.

The Commission on the Securities and Exchange Commission also said that Goldman misled investors IKB Deutsche Industriebank AG about the role of Paulson in trade.

IKB became the first victim of Germany's subprime mortgage crisis in the U.S. in 2007 after their investments and securities were impaired.

"The German Government will ask the Commission for additional information, and when we get the data, then consider possible legal action" - said Ulrich Wilhelm (Ulrich Wilhelm), spokesman for Merkel.

At Goldman Sachs warned that "provided detailed information" IKB about possible risks associated with mortgage-backed securities. 

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