Monday, April 19, 2010

360.000 unemployed Portugal in anticipation of the March benefits

According to the Ministry of Labour of Portugal, a computer crash led to delays in processing benefits.

Most of the unemployed receive benefits in March with the delays, this situation affects approximately 360.000 people.

"It is obvious that the main problem is the deteriorating quality of service," - said Maria do Carmo Tavares (Maria do Carmo Tavares), who works in the executive committee of the labor unions.

According to the Ministry of Labour, the delay in the payment of benefits touched 360.000 beneficiaries, ie 64.17% of the total number of registered unemployed at employment offices. According to the latest data available at the Office of Employment and Vocational Training, in February of the country were registered 561,315 unemployed people.

Helen Andre (Helena André) of the Employment Service, said unemployment benefits have no clear time frame in which they will be paid.

For Maria do Carmo Tavarez is like the situation is totally unacceptable, because people are rigidly fixed income and they want to survive. Trade union leader believes that government policy in the sphere of administrative activity "was overwhelming", which is why many workers have resigned immediately, even knowing that their benefits would amount to 25%, 30% or 40% of income. Health, education and welfare, according to a trade union leader, will feel the greatest impact.

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