Thursday, August 6, 2009

Commerzbank: negatively assesses the prospects for euro / pound

Currency strategists at Commerzbank in the camp of those who expects today from the Bank of England of softness on the issue to stimulate economic recovery and to see the risks increase in the quantitative easing further stg25 billion, while the central bank may, instead of government bonds more focus on corporate debt Commitment. The Bank recognizes that this event will be very negative for the British currency in the short term, but they are advised to use the possible wave of bulls on euro / pound to open short positions, given that the movement will likely be temporary, because the economic statistics gives a clear signals that the Misty Albion situation is better than in the euro area. At Commerzbank had forecast for the euro / pound at the end of the year at stg0.84 and at the end of the first quarter of 2010 - at the level of stg0.83.

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