Thursday, August 6, 2009

Barclays Capital on the possible reaction of the pound at the Bank of England decision

Today, all the traders concerned about a pound on the general question: whether or not to be quantitative easing in the UK. Decide whether the Bank of England for further action in this direction, or prefer, like the ECB to take a wait and see? According to analysts Barclays Capital, the most favorable solution to the pound would be "dramatic stop", that is, if the Bank's management announced the termination of, or plans for ending the quantitative easing policy. However, it is unlikely to consider in Barclays Capital. Enhanced QE, especially against the backdrop of recent favorable data will be pressure on the pound. It is more difficult case would be the case if the bank has announced a slight expansion and simultaneously reported plans of ending the QE. In this case, the initial reaction is likely to be negative, however, the decline will be seen as a good opportunity to buy.

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