Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Understanding the FOREX Market

Understanding the FOREX Market

What are currency rates and why do they exist

When an American owned Toyota dealership in the United States buys

cars from the manufacturer – Toyota, Japan the price is in Japanese Yen.

The American dealership checks the current exchange rate of U.S. dollars

for Japanese Yen and figures out how many U.S. dollars each car will

cost. If the dealer chooses to do so he can call a Bank and enter into a

foreign exchange contract. The Bank will give him the Japanese Yen he

needs to buy the cars and in exchange the dealer will give the Bank the

U.S. dollars. The number of Yen the dealer receives for those U.S. dollars

is the exchange rate. For example, if the dealer received 112,000,000 yen

for $1,000,000; the exchange rate would be 112.00 (112,000,000 Yen/


To do this identical transaction on the FXCM platform, the dealer would

wait until the quoted price was 112 00-04. The dealer would sell 100 lots

at 112.00; thereby selling U.S. dollars and buying Japanese Yen. We

refer to this as selling USDJPY.

Without a reference exchange rate that the dealer could rely on and be

able to transact at, he could not do business with Toyota, Japan. Foreign

exchange rates therefore exist to facilitate trade between different

countries that use different monies.

History and evolution of foreign exchange rates

From 1944 to 1971 the world operated under a system of fixed exchange

rates. The U.S. dollar was convertible into gold at a set rate and all the

countries fixed their currencies to the U.S. dollar at a set rate. There was

no need for a foreign exchange market.

On August 15, 1971 all that changed. President Nixon announced that the

U.S. dollar could no longer be cashed in for gold. In 1973 the U.S.

formally announced the permanent floating of the U.S. dollar thereby

officially ending the system of fixed exchange rates.

Exchanges rates between different countries began to fluctuate widely;

creating the need for a foreign exchange market where exporters and

importers could lock in rates; clearly a prerequisite for doing business.

Simply put, an American Hondo dealer is quoted a price per car in

Japanese Yen from Honda, Japan. If the dealer could call a Bank and get

a current dealable price for USDJPY, then the dealer would know for

sure how much those cars were costing him and whether or not he could

sell them profitably in his dealership.

And this is exactly what began happening. U.S. importers bought their

Yen when they signed a contract to buy Hondos; then they left the Yen in

the Bank earning interest until contract payment date. It didn’t take long

for the Banks to figure out they could provide value added service by

quoting the importer a price for the contract date. The Bank did this by

simply starting with the current rate and adjusting the current rate to

account for the net interest earned or paid from trade date to contract

date. This became known as the forward rate.

History and evolution of the foreign exchange market

Because there was no central marketplace for transacting foreign

exchange in the early 1970s, exporters and importers could not accurately

track daily movements in the currencies. In fact, they had no prior

experience with floating exchange rates and therefore no in-house

expertise. They were at the mercy of the moneychangers, the Banks.

Overnight foreign exchange became a huge source of bottom revenue to

the banking industry.

To offset the risks of holding currency positions taken as a result of

customer transactions, the major banks entered into informal reciprocal

agreements to quote each other throughout the day on preset amounts. It

was understood that a certain maximum spread would be upheld, except

under extreme conditions. It was further agreed that the rate would be

supplied in a reasonable amount of time. Generally this meant the FX

dealer made the price within seconds, and therefore without calling

another bank for a second opinion. This was called direct dealing and all

the major banks participated.

In the beginning, banks were quoting customers one-way prices. The

customer would say where could I sell $10M USDJPY and the bank set a

rate. The bank left itself plenty of room for error, oftentimes quoting as

much as 50 points below the current market. This was a bonanza for the

banks. However, a lot of money was lost when other banks called for a


Description and evolution of the FX brokers

The first foreign exchange brokers came on the scene in the mid 1970s to

satisfy the demand for continuous price quotes in the major currencies

from the thousands of medium and small banks with significant customer

foreign exchange business to offset. These banks were unwilling to be in

the direct market because providing competitive rates to the large banks

was costing them more money then they were making from their


Initially the foreign exchange brokers installed direct lines to all the

banks willing to participate. Generally a major bank made a rate and the

brokers showed the rate to all the banks at about the same time. The first

bank to deal on the rate completed a transaction. The others waited for

the next rate. Any bank could make a rate; show a bid or an offer. Soon

the brokers became quite efficient at putting together a continuous twoway


Reuters introduced a web based dealing system for banks 1992, followed

by a similar web based system introduced by EBS (Electronic Brokerage

System) for banks in 1993; although it took some time, by 1996 it was

clear the voice broker was being replaced by the electronic broker.

Around the same time web based dealing systems that corporations could

use in lieu of calling banks on the phone began to appear. Followed by

the first web based dealing systems for individuals. Today there are

hundreds of online FX brokers fighting for the business of the small

trader or investor. Some are good; some are not (more on this later).

The movers and the shakers in the FX market

It is widely understood that day traders in the aggregate do not move the

currency market much. They buy and sell and at the end of the day they

have no net long or short position. Therefore they have not changed the

demand/supply equilibrium and accordingly have not in the aggregate

had a lasting effect on the price of a currency.

What moves the currency market is the other time frame; central banks,

hedge funds, financial institutions, and corporations. These guys buy or

sell huge amounts and their time frame is generally weeks to months,

possibly years. Their transactions unbalance the market, requiring price

adjustment to rebalance demand and supply.

Furthermore, changing fundamentals or longer-term technicals generally

triggers the actions of the other time frame. Their affect on the price is

therefore two -fold; in addition to causing a demand/supply imbalance,

their actions generally reflect a price change that may have needed to

occur even if they did not get the ball rolling through large transactions.

Evidence that this is so can be found in the unusually large price moves

that often occur after significant scheduled economic news releases.

Oftentimes the move is much greater than what would appear necessary

given the deviation of the expected versus actual number (more on this


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